St.Mary's Convent Hr.Sec. School, Bankhedi
  • Admission to St. Mary's School implies on the part of the pupil and the parents willingness to comply with the requirements and regulations of the school.
  • Whenever students come to school, they must wear the prescribed uniform. All the students must come to school clean and tidy. Those who are not dressed in uniform may be excluded from the class or even sent back. However in exceptional circumstances a student who is unable to wear the complete uniform may be allowed to attend the school provided a request is made by the parents in his / her hand book.
  • Students must reach school at least 5 minutes before the time fixed for the school assembly.
  • Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect to the members of the staff or bad moral influence will lead to dismissal. The students are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside of the school.
  • Students are strictly forbidden to bring objectionable literature to school or to purchase any articles or eatables from authorized dealers at or near the school premises.
  • Care must be taken of the school property. The students should not scratch or spoil the furniture, write on the walls or in any way damage what is provided for their use. Any kind of damage done to the school property must be repaired. Willful damage of property will lead to dismissal.
  • Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. Money should neither be lent nor borrowed.
  • Students are expected to behave well at all times. Shouting and whistling or running in the school building or throwing things at one another is strictly forbidden.
  • Transistors and radios, tape records, mobile phones are not allowed in the school.
  • No one may leave the school premises during school hours without the principal's permission. Parents are not allowed to meet their children or interview the teachers during school hours except with the permission of the principal.
  • All the photographs to be used for school purpose should be attested by the school principal with the school uniform (preferably winter uniform) on.
  • Please see that your children bring with them the tiffin, pen, pencil, books etc. when they come to school. No arrangement will be made to send these things to the students during working hours if brought by parents or servants.
  • Any students found resorting to unfair means in any examination will be suspended from the school with immediate effect and will not be allowed to write the rest of the papers in that session.
  • Letters are not to be sent to the students at the school address.
  • Parents are requested to keep in touch with the school authorities regarding the progress of the children. They are particularly requested to call and check their progress report which is issued after every Summative Assessment.
  • Students are not allowed to be absent on the closing day / reporting day or whenever there is a school function.
  • Students are not allowed to come to school with 'make-up'.
  • No students shall enter the campus without school uniform during working hours even when one is on leave including PTM.
  • Every student should endeavour to keep up the good name of the school by excelling in good behaviour and polite manners. Nobody may bring to school any object liable to a source of disturbance to the classes or annoyance to individuals e.g. crackers, water pistols, tattoos etc.
  • Nobody is allowed to remain in the class room during recess or P.T. periods. Once on the field of play nobody may return to the class room without the permission of the principal or the class teacher and accompanied by the monitor.
  • During the absence of the teacher the class monitor resumes full responsibility for the order and discipline of the class. He / she must send the asst. monitor to find out if a substitute has been appointed.
  • When leaving General Assembly after the prayers, the class should observe silence.
  • When leaving classes for P.T., Library, Computer, Games, Practical classes they must move along the corridors and in the stairs in single line always to the left and in perfect silence.
  • Absence on school functions and national days will incur serious disciplinary action.
  • Students are not to bring motor vehicles to school without license and without wearing helmet.
  • In all cases of doubt regarding the correct interpretations of school rules, the decision of the management is final and no appeal lies anywhere except with the governing body.