St.Mary's Convent Hr.Sec. School, Bankhedi
  • Besides unit tests there will be two terminals and one final examination held during the year. No candidates will be admitted to any of these examinations without an admission card which will be given from the school office when all dues are cleared.
  • Parents / guardians are requested to examine the report card before signing it.
  • Pupils absent from an examination for any reason will not be re-examined. If the absence is justified the fact will be taken in the account at the end of the school year. However regulation of the education board will be followed.
  • A minimum of 40% is required to pass in each subject.
  • Results of the examination are final and will not be reconsidered. The Annual Examination answer papers will not be shown to anybody.
  • Parents / guardians must follow up a child's progress in studies. If after three warnings a student shows no progress or whatsoever, parents will be asked to seek admission elsewhere for the child.
  • Promotion to a higher standard is granted on the basis of Examination, Unit Tests and the Year's Record of work. The year's record of work consists of the following: a) The day-to-day written work including compositions, home work and daily lessons b)The individual traits of character such as good conducts, regularity, punctuality, a sense of responsibility, co-operation, sociability etc.
  • A student who fails in any examination will be deprived of fee concession.
  • A student who fails twice in the same class must discontinue his studies in this school.
  • Promotion once refused will not be reconsidered.
  • Students should reach the examination room / hall on time.
  • Students should ensure that all questions are legible. If any one has received a defective or incomplete question paper or answer sheet they should request for a change of the entire set within five minutes of distribution of the papers from the invigilator.
  • Students answering three hours question paper may leave the examination room only after two and half hours of the commencement of the examination.
  • Once the examinations are over the students should not remain on the veranda talking/discussing